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Easter resources for Good Friday and Holy Saturday

The importance Of Holy Week For Children

Talking about death and grief with children is key to their faith. However, even though it is Holy Week and not yet Easter it is nimportant to give the proclamation, “Christ has died and Christ is risen from the dead.” Children will be thinking bunny rabbits, Easter eggs and baskets. It is also the time toteach them through prayer and practice the importance of Holy Week in their faith.

Good Friday explanations to share:

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey, the people who greeted him expected a powerful hero. They did not understand that Jesus’ power was not how strong he was, but the power of love.

Jesus showed us that we are to remember him and follow his example of caring for and serving others. We remember him in the gift of bread and wine that mysteriously becomes the body and blood of Christ. That is the time when we know he is present with us.

At the time of the Last Supper, we see Jesus’ example of humbly serving others in love in his washing of the disciples’ feet.

Jesus proclaimed God’s forgiveness from the cross as he was dying. He forgave Peter, who had denied him, and those who caused his death, and he will forgive us for all that we do that hurts others. That’s why Good Friday is good.

As God was with Jesus in his suffering, he is with us when we suffer and always.

Adapted from the Building Faith site.

Ways to celebrate Holy Saturday

Talk about it: The church has a longer service called the Easter Vigil that starts with the lighting of candles from the fire. The priest blesses and lights the Paschal candle from the fire and everybody else lights their candles from that flame. The symbol of fire represents light and Jesus is the light of the world. He brings light to darkness.

Have dinner by candlelight (Paschal candle explanation in Easter Sunday post).

Have your children draw a picture to show how they love Jesus and what he did for us and put it up in the house.

Make your own Paschal candle for the crafters that happen to have these things at home already....definitely not me! Click here:

Please make sure to watch these videos first to make sure if you think they are suitable for your child. Not all children will benefit from these visuals - you know your children. They are suggestions.

Short Easter prayer

God made you and God made me, He made the world for us to see. God loves you and long ago, He sent his Son to tell us so.

Jesus showed us many things, To love and share and dance and sing.

To learn and pray, to help and care, He promised he'd always be there. He died but then came back to life, Let's celebrate for he's alive! Amen.

Have a blessed Easter!

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